

We collaborate with our partners and aim to support and amplify their efforts by lending financial support or technical expertise to the projects our partners are working on. Each project is designed to fit the needs of the people benefitting from the project.

Digital citizenship and online safety with Webfala

Digital citizenship and online safety with Webfala

Webfala have designed an online safety program to educate students, teachers, parents and others about responsible behavior online.

Nyatike Community Network with Gonline Africa

Nyatike Community Network with Gonline Africa

In this project, we're expanding the community network in Nyatike, focusing on digital inclusion through digital skills training.

Narrowing the digital gender divide with BOSCO Uganda

Narrowing the digital gender divide with BOSCO Uganda

In this project, BOSCO provides digital literacy training for women and elderly people to narrow the digital gender divide.

Agriconnect Bauchi with Zee Tech Foundation

Agriconnect Bauchi with Zee Tech Foundation

50 farmers in Bauchi, Nigeria are introduced to the internet for the first time, and will learn how they can...

ConnectED in Colombia with unconnected.org

ConnectED in Colombia with unconnected.org

In this project unconnected.org will connect 10 schools along the Amazon river in Colombia to the internet.

Building a Hello Hub in Nigeria with Hello World

Building a Hello Hub in Nigeria with Hello World

Hello World is expanding internet connectivity one Hub at a time. Currently they're building one in Nigeria!