

We collaborate with our partners and aim to support and amplify their efforts by lending financial support or technical expertise to the projects our partners are working on. Each project is designed to fit the needs of the people benefitting from the project.

ConnectED in Colombia with unconnected.org

In this project unconnected.org will connect 10 schools along the Amazon river in Colombia to the internet.

Building a Hello Hub in Nigeria with Hello World

Hello World is expanding internet connectivity one Hub at a time. Currently they're building one in Nigeria!

Establishing a Community Network with Step Network

By setting up a community network, Step Network aim to reduce the digital divide for rural communities in Eastern Ghana.

Bootcamp 2024 with Rhizomatica

A 10-days telecommunications bootcamp will teach the participants about technical broadcasting and wireless networks.

Digital Inclusion for Detainees and Staff of the Kafanchan Correctional Center with Fantsuam

Through this project we facilitate digital literacy training to detainees and staff members to ensure better transition to general society.

Fiber optic training program for the Pueblo Nuevo Indigenous Reservation

The people of Pueblo Nuevo Indigenous Reservation will receive training in the implementation of a community fiber optic network.