

We collaborate with our partners and aim to support and amplify their efforts by lending financial support or technical expertise to the projects our partners are working on. Each project is designed to fit the needs of the people benefitting from the project.

Connecting a school in Malawi with unconnected.org

Connecting a school in Malawi increases both students' and teachers' opportunity to accelerate their learning potential, as they will have access to online resources.

Creating community networks in Nepal with the Internet Society

Access to the internet is crucial to meet the challenges Sherpa people face to compensate for the effects of climate change on traditional tourism.

Sathgatta Bamboo Mesh-networks with Servelots

Servelots learned about the lack of connectivity in and around Sathgatta village, and will through this project set up mesh networks to connect the people...

Safety online crusader with Zee Tech Foundation

Together with Zee Tech Foundation, this project aims to educate 1500 secondary school students on online safety.

Building the digital knowledge of community leaders with Fantsuam

Through this project, community leaders in the Kaduna State in Nigeria receive trainings to increase their digital knowledge.

Mpophomeni school Wifi with Project Isizwe

With Project Isizwe, we are providing 8 schools in the Mpophomeni community with free Wifi, to enable equitable access to connectivity.