By training local engineers in maintenance of community networks, Fantsuam Foundation is digitally including rural, underserved communities.
Project status: Closed
Partner: Fantsuam Foundation
Impact goal: 770 people
This project is designed to promote digital inclusion and internet access for hard-to-reach communities, in Jema’a Local Government. This will happen through training of local engineers in Community Networks. Community Networks (CN) provide a cost effective and sustainable model of reaching underserved, rural and remote communities. A CN is a communication infrastructure owned, managed and maintained by the host community. There is now a growing global movement that is promoting the CN model, and Fantsuam Foundation is one of the first to be doing so in Nigeria. One of the core problems rural connectivity is a lack of last mile infrastructure. Telecom companies here have been reluctant to invest in the last mile in rural areas because of its low return on investment (ROI). This is where CN becomes a strategic option because its concept of ROI goes beyond short-term financial profits and considers the socio-cultural and development impact of rural connectivity.
Through this project, 27 participants comprising 9 females and 18 males received the digital literacy training. There were 27 participants for the Wireless Technology planning phase training, and 22 graduated having attended 85% of the training sessions.
The trained barefoot wireless engineers are from 11 communities where they will facilitate establishment of Community Networks. The target was for 5 communities. It is tribute to these participants, that in spite of their busy farm schedules, 22 of them attended the training consistently. The final phase, “Installation and Maintenance of a Wireless Network” will give priority consideration to the 22 as a recognition of their commitment.
The project has encouraged us to enter into discussions with a satellite internet service provider for bulk purchase of bandwidth for our proposed Community Networks. This will further enhance their sustainability.
Participants from further locations had to cope with the challenge of high cost of transport due to the recent petrol price hikes. Different funding sources have been approached for support towards hosting of the final phase of training; there is no assurance given, yet.
Fantsuam Foundation is a female led organization on a mission to eliminate poverty and disadvantage among women and youths through integrated development programs in the Kaduna State in Nigeria.
Visit their website here to learn more about them.