
Establishing a Community Network with Step Network

By setting up a community network, Step Network aim to reduce the digital divide for rural communities in Eastern Ghana.

Project status: Closed

Country: Ghana

Partner: Step Network

Impact goal: 5500

About the project

The Afram Plains are located in the Eastern Region of Ghana. It hosts several communities which are largely described as rural and remote. Mem-chemfre is one of the major communities. It has a vibrant local economy with a significant number of public establishments offering critical social services. The introduction of digitalization across the country has been phenomenal, however, the lack of access to connectivity in communities like Mem-chemfre is a social inequality that is denying businesses and citizens to use digital resources to improve their lot. The Mem-chemfre Community Network (MCN) project is aimed at providing access to connectivity in Mem-chemfre. This will reduce the social and economic exclusion of the communities, avoiding the debilitating consequences on the local economy of digital exclusion.


The project results are consistent with the original aim of the project. Memchemfre has been provided with internet connectivity which is providing internet access to a population of about 5,500 including one of the major communities like Bruben.  Additionally, 40 teachers selected from Public Basic Schools have been trained through a Train -a-Trainer programme on basic ICT skills.

The project directly benefits 5,500 people residing in Mem-chemfre and Bruben. Previously, residents converged at strategic locations in the communities like hilltops, treetops etc to make or receive calls. They are unable to do basic things like online checking of examination results, school placement, application for drivers’ licence, passport and many more services. They must move to the district capital community to access these services which often take a whole day. Nurses, Teachers, doctors and other public servants posted to these cannot process their endorsements for salary resulting in delayed payments.

The project is expected to have long-lasting benefits to the community. The specific outcomes to be achieved are as follows:

  1. Improved learning outcomes for school children.
  2. Digital Skills improved.
  3. Creation of Internet related employment like sale of internet vouchers,etc
  4. Local digital economy developed.
  5. Retention of public servants in community


There was a steep depreciation of the Ghana Cedi as against the dollar. The level of depreciation was unanticipated resulting in price increases of most of the critical devices required for the project. This delayed procurement and other related activities.

About the partner

Step Network is a technology-based organization that specializes in building community networks and promoting digital accessibility and literacy in rural areas. It focuses on empowering communities through technology.